Alina Oltean
Ph.D. Student

PhD BME, Washington University in St. Louis (expected 2015).
Researching biomechanics of early eye development in the chick.
B.BME, University of Minnesota (2010).
Researched the biomechanics of the porcine lens and abdominal aorta.
Filas BA, Oltean A, Majidi S, Bayly PV, Beebe DC, Taber LA. Regional differences in actomyosin contraction shape the primary vesicles in the embryonic chicken brain. Phys Biol. 2012 Dec;9(6):066007.
Filas BA, Oltean A, Beebe DC, Okamoto RJ, Bayly PV, Taber LA. A potential role for differential contractility in early brain development and evolution. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. 2012 Mar 31 (Epub. date).
Powell TA, Amini R, Oltean A, Barnett VA, Dorfman KD, Segal Y, Barocas VH. Elasticity of the porcine lens capsule as measured by osmotic swelling. J Biomech Eng. 2010 Sep;132(9):091008.
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